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Gospel Choir

Canaan Baptist Church - South

“Doing God’s will, God’s Way”


On behalf of the Canaan Baptist Church-South Inc., Total Life Ministries (TLM) and my family we welcome you to our website. We hope that you will be inspired by the information shared throughout these pages about our growing church fellowship.

We invite you to come and worship with us in person on Sunday mornings at 10:30 am.  We believe that the CBC South worship experience will be uplifting and a blessing to you! Exciting new ministries are being developed with opportunities for you to engage and be of service to our present age!

We are a Bible believing, Holy Spirit led congregation that worships and embraces all of our Christian traditions. We seek to serve the whole person, hence Total Life Ministries. We welcome each of you as we endeavor to embrace intergenerational opportunities to do ministry. We embrace Black Liberation Theology in the Christian tradition.  We are a church open to all God's children.

Our Theme:  Called and Commissioned by God,” Doing Gods Will, Gods Way!”

The Doors of the Church are Open!


Rev. Dr. Dennis A. Haggray, Pastor, and Founder

Dr. M. Annette Haggray, First Lady

Alexandria N. Haggray, Daughter 


Beloved “Therefore if any man be in Christ Jesus, He is a new creature, old things are passed away behold, all things become new.”  2 Corinthians 5:17, (KJV)


Pastor's and First Lady’s Bios

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Rev. Dr. Dennis A. Haggray


“Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended, but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before.  I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:13-14, KJV
The Rev. Dr. Dennis A. Haggray is a native son of Savannah Georgia and a product of the Savannah (Chatham County) Public School System.  He is the fifth child of eight born to the union of the late Deacon Edward Haggray (Piney Grove Baptist Church) and the late Deaconess Georgia Mae Haggray (Miller’s Temple Holiness Church). Dr. Haggray was converted and baptized by immersion at the age of 12 and preached his trial sermon at age 15.  He was initially licensed three months later as a minister. He is a servant leader who loves the Lord and God’s people. He was licensed and ordained a Baptists Minister at the Progressive Baptist Church of Chicago, Illinois May 2001 under the dynamic and capable leadership of The Rev. Dr. Christopher Allen Bullock.  He served PBC in several leadership positions.  

Dr. Haggray attended and received earned degrees (BA, M.S., M.Th. and Ph. D) in Higher education in the areas of (Psychology, education and sociology emphasis), Pastoral Psychology and Theology, Higher Education Administration (emphasis in administration, counseling and student development) from St. Augustine’s College Raleigh, NC., Boston University School of Theology, Boston, MA and Iowa State University, Ames, IA.

Annette Haggray, Ph.D.

Provost, Alexandria Campus

Northern Virginia Community College


Dr. Annette Haggray serves as the Provost for the Alexandria Campus of Northern Virginia Community College.  She relocated to Alexandria in August 2016 to assume responsibility for overseeing the Campus’ programs and operations that support nearly 14,000 students annually.  Prior to joining the Alexandria Campus, she served as the Vice President for Academic Affairs at Harford Community College in Bel Air, Maryland. She had previously served as Dean of the Academic Alternatives and Instructional Support Division for the College of DuPage, in Glen Ellyn Illinois, and Director of the Learning Center at El Centro College, in Dallas, Texas.

In addition to her experience in higher education, Dr. Haggray previously served as Coordinator for Physician Recruitment for the State of North Carolina and Coordinator of Community Services for Kaiser Permanente, in Raleigh, North Carolina. 

Dr. Haggray earned her Ph.D. in Higher Education Administration from Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa.  She also earned a B.A. in History and M.A. in Instructional Technology/Educational Media from North Carolina Central University, Durham, N.C. 


Their daughter, Alexandria, is a graduate from Delaware State University, Dover Delaware.  Dr. Haggray and her family are committed to church and community programs that improve the quality of people’s lives, such as Habitat for Humanity.


Canaan Baptist Church South (CBC-S) Total Life Ministries (TLM) History

CBC-South and TLM was organized on May 26. 2021 at 7:00 pm in the home of Rev. and Mrs. Dennis (Annette) Haggray located at 1022 Irwins Choice, Bel Air, MD 21014. 

In February of 2021, after seeking God through prayer and study. I felt and affirmed the unction and leading of the Holy Spirit to establish a Baptist Church in the Bel Air Community. The church’s name was derived from Seeking God’s Land of Promise. The mother church of CBC South is CBC New Castle Delaware under the dynamic Leadership of the Rev. Dr. Christopher A. Bullock and first Lady Dr. Debbie Bullock. Dr. and Sis. Bullock are longtime friends and Pastor to the Haggray family. Pastor Haggray consulted with Dr. Bullock and informed him that the church would be distinguished by the word South because the Lord told Abrahm to travel South to possess the Land of Canaan.

Several Individuals attended and met with Pastor Haggray in his effort to establish the church. In particular, Deacon Harold Davis, Jr was appointed as Chairman of the Deacon’s Ministry by Pastor Haggray that night to assist him in doing the work of ministry as a good steward to the church and especially the Pastor. It was agreed that the church would be biblically and legally constituted as an organized body of Baptized believers with one desire to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ, St Matthew 28:18-20. We agreed after a teaching from Pastor Haggray that we would be a church with a strong foundation on New Testament preaching and teaching as given to us from the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles.  Liberation Theology in the Black Church tradition would anchor our preaching, teaching, worship, and service to all people in fulfilling our mission. A Pastor led congregation following the tradition of Baptist Doctrine and polity.

Pastor Haggray informed the body that he would identify a place of worship. Several locations were considered but the current location proved fruitful. Hence, we have faithfully met at the Historical Sgt. Alfred B. Hilton American Legion Post # 55. Through the persistent efforts of Attorney Phil Hunter and Bro. Joe Barry of the AL Post, the doors were opened to us to make this location our church home. In the tradition of Black Church Culture we prayed, sang hymns, read scripture, testified of our hopes, and broke bread together with a delicious meal served and prepared by the Haggray family. A gift offering was received to help in renting a facility.

CBC-South, “The land of Promise,” TLM is spiritually, biblically, doctrinally, legally, and duly constituted and organized as nonprofit 501 © 3 Church Body in the State of Maryland.

To God Be the Glory, The Journey Continues! 

The Doors of the Church are Open!

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